University education
I want people to enhance their own happiness by improving their ability to live. That is why I am involved in education. By expanding the cultural comfort zone (the range where you can be yourself) that everyone has, I hope to foster more people with free ideas.
Free-thinking brings out the true nature of things and is the engine that drives us forward, even when we encounter unfamiliar and uncertain situations in society, the economy, and the environment.
Global human resource development
・ Global Leadership Theory (University of Kitakyushu, Bachelor's Program, 2013-17, Regular Lecture)
・ Global Practical Work (Kitakyushu City University, Bachelor's Program, 2014-17, Regular Lecture + Fieldwork)
・ Cross-cultural management practice ・ Japan edition (Paris Dofine University, Master's course, 2014-19, Intensive lecture)
International management / international business
・ Japanese industry and corporate management (Lyon University II, Asian Business Course Master's Program, 1998-2000, Irregular Lecture)
・ Globalizing economy (University of Kitakyushu, bachelor's degree, 2013-16, omnibus lecture
・ Japanese Politics, Economy and Business (French National University of Oriental Languages and Culture, Master's Program in International Business and International Relations, 2018-, Regular Lecture)
Global career
・ Overseas internship planning and management (University of Kitakyushu, 2013-16, 16 countries / regions, 21 cities, 24 companies, 2-6 weeks)
・ Career design (University of Kitakyushu, bachelor's degree, 2014-16, regular lecture)
・ Corporate research (University of Kitakyushu, bachelor's degree, 2014-17, regular lecture)
It has been my passion for many years to share and exchange my knowledge and ideas with others.
I am a frequent speaker in Europe, Japan and other parts of the world, as well as online. (available in English, French and Japanese)

" Doing Business with East Asia --A Stumbling or Symbiosis?" ( Joint presentation with European Institute for Asian Studies, Anke Middelmann) at: EIAS, Brussels, 2011
Modes de décision et structure hiérarchique au Japon et en France ”(jointly announced with Colloque International du Management Interculturel, Jean-Jacques le Goff) at: Haute école de gestion Arc, Neuchâtel, 2015
"Points that Japanese companies (Japanese) should challenge against the world-from a European perspective" (Global Business Society of Global Business) at: Tokyo 21c Club, 2014
Academic societies / study groups

"Working Style, Cultural Comfort Zone, and Happiness" Sony Group "Happiness Development Seminar", at Sony Headquarters, Tokyo (2019)
"Reality of Global Business Sites and How to Utilize" Japan's Strengths "" International Human Resources Special Lecture, At: Business Breakthrough, Tokyo (2019)
"French way of working in the digital age" 1st Business France Lummaps Seminar Keynote Speech at: Embassy of France in Japan (2018)
"Global human resources who can be anyone-Increase the number of people to win in ASEAN" Special Lecture at the 5th World Congress of Japanese People, in Bangkok (2013)
"Japanese economy and market, Belgium companies' business in Japan"
Japan Business Seminar organized by JETRO, Brussels (2006)
Corporate lecture

"Environmental problems without waiting and the whereabouts of French lifestyle" Kimihiko Nagata Paris-Japan-France comparison live (Anstitut Francais Kyushu-Okinawa, online, 2020)
"Why is the world paying attention to the virtues of Japanese people now?" (Asahi Culture Center Special Seminar, at Asahi Culture Center Shonan Classroom, 2013)
"L'argent responsable au Japon, la rémunération des chefs d'entreprise et des actionnairs" Les Rencontres Internationales at: World Forum Lille (2009)
“Chine-Japon, les ressorts culturels de la réussite” EM Lyon Club Chine Seminar at: Hôtel Bedford Paris ”(2012)
General lecture

Topics: international business management, sustainable business management, leadership under cross-cultural context.
Media: professional magazines, academic journals online media, on TV, etc.
"Japanese People should reconsider the virtues of Japanese culture that the world is in love with" (Discover Twenty-One, 2012)
(Co-author) "Modes de décision et structure hiérarchique au Japon et en France (shared writing with JJ le Goff, LE DÉFI INTERCULTUREL , pp.107-112, L'Harmattan 2018)
Article Contribution (examples)
Post cross-border M&A integration, how to overcome cultural fortress" (Japan Corporate Research Association, Business Research 2005)
Creating Organizational Dignity and Leaders with Global Competence" (Japan Corporate Research Association, Business Research, 2007)
The Cultural Capability of Management Executives is the Key to Corporate Survival" (Japan Overseas Business Association, Global Management, 2014)
"Cross-Cultural Management, Qualities and Skills Required of Executives: Pitfalls of International M&As" (Japan Overseas Business Association, Global Management, 2003)
"Kimihiko Nagata: A Word to Nippon from Paris" (Diamond Online), 2011- 37 articles
Kimihiko Nagata's Eyes on the World" (Nikkei Net ), 2007-2010, 25 articles
Asahi Ronza (Asahi Shimbun), 2018, 1 article