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アンカー 1

Creating a framework for sustainable business management

2 days


To understand the business environment from a global perspective and the necessity, benefits and risk factors of shifting to sustainable business management. And to master the guidelines and methods for decision-making and implementation, including related standards such as ISO 26000.



(1) Why sustainable business management? ~Background, reason, benefits and risk factors

(2) Sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (basic concepts, application to business management, ISO 26000, etc.)

(3) Steps and key factors in creating strategies for sustainable business management

(4) How to integrate into key departments (HR, labour, marketing, purchasing, etc.)

(5) How to expand to external stakeholders (education, awareness raising, communication, etc.)



(1) Project managers and staff who are responsible for promoting sustainable business management

(2) Executives and directors of companies



Case studies, group works, videos, quizzes, etc. 

Assessing materiality (priority areas for action)

2 days


To understand the world's demand for sustainable development and the areas in which companies can contribute. In addition, the participants will learn how to analyse indicators and frameworks that help to identify the link between the client's business activities and social responsibility, and the materiality to be addressed.



(1) The basic concept of sustainable development

(2) Prioritizing sustainable business management through opportunity and risk analysis

(3) Identify internal and external stakeholders and how to survey them.

(4) How to develop a sustainable business management strategy



(1) Management directors and business managers

(2) CSR project members



Case studies, group work, etc.

Marketing activities and social responsibility

1 day


To understand the purpose of the world's move towards sustainable development. To identify opportunities for creating business value and innovation through social responsibility, as well as tools and methods for developing more sustainable products and services.



(1) Challenges and trends in the global market to create a sustainable society

(2) The role of marketing in creating a sustainable society

(3) Marketing strategies to make a positive impact on society

(4) Key points of sustainable branding

(5) Co-creation marketing with stakeholders



(1) Marketing-related executives, managers and staff

(2) Business development directors, managers and staff



Conceptual and methodological frameworks, practical case studies group work, etc.

Development and training of sustainable human resources

2-5 days


To develop the mindset and skills of employees who will play a leading role in implementing the company's strategy to transform to sustainable business management and who will also act as ambassadors to external stakeholders. To foster the development of employees who understand the purpose and vision of the company's sustainable business management, deepen their awareness of the issues they face in their individual roles, and take ownership and action on their own initiative and in a proactive manner.



(1) Why create a sustainable society?

(2) Global and domestic trends in sustainability - the fact-based game

(3) Environment and Management - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR/SDGs/ESG/ Natural Capital Management)

(4) Why is your company promoting sustainable business management?

(5) What should I do as an individual? Identify strengths, weaknesses, challenges and solutions for you and your team to achieve this.

6) Plan your actions



Managers and employees in general



Lecture, virtual tour of world's leading companies, self-work, group work (games/discussions/interviews with external parties), presentation

Advisory and administrative support for sustainable education (corporate endowment courses/university education programmes)

0.5 to 2 days


Companies: To contribute to society through the development of the next generation of human capital, and as part of their efforts to increase their social awareness.

Universities: To provide students with an opportunity to learn about real-world trends and practical methods of solving social problems by introducing corporate sustainability initiatives as part of industry-university collaborative education.


-Example of the programme



1) What is a sustainable society - background, social issues, understanding of SDGs

2) Environment and management - case studies of corporate activities

   ■Recognise that "natural capital", generated by natural resources such as biodiversity, water, air and          soil, is the foundation of corporate management

   ■Case studies on corporate activities to reduce the impact on natural resources throughout the supply        chain

   ■Case studies of advanced sustainable business management in European companies.

3) Creating guidelines for sustainable behavior - from campus to society


On-demand delivery, online interactive, face-to-face interactive (delivery lecture), etc.


Students will acquire the basic skills required as global citizens, such as problem-solving and implementation skills through exercises.

Human resources development and organisational camps focused on coexistence with nature

0.5 to 1 day


Through a variety of activities in the natural environment, the participants will become aware of the fact that corporate activities are based on "natural resources".  They will also deepen their understanding of their company's social responsibility and develop their drive to become a part of a sustainable human capital. In addition, they will be able to improve their team building skills (teamwork/leadership) and problem-solving skills as a secondary effect.



Managers and employees in general, students



The content of the training can be customised to meet the client's requirements (objectives, targets, audience, etc.). Camping (day trips), multi-day visits, etc. are also available.



Case studies on natural environment and business activities, nature experience - activities (team building / eco-business design challenge - discussion, presentation, feedback), eco-cooking, fire talk, sustainable walking, etc.

アンカー 2
アンカー 3
アンカー 4
アンカー 5
アンカー 6
アンカー 7
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